01 november 2011

Food Waste

I was just listening to one of my food systems lectures and this topic got me thinking. Most people would probably define food waste as an action of throwing excess food away because it is not consumed, but I would like to add that food eaten in excess is also one way a food waste.

Everyone knows that throwing away food is a bad and unnecessary thing to do but do people really think twice before eating more then necessary or helping themselves to a second serve just because it taste great or simply because they feel bad throwing the food away?

What people do to make up for their food waste is in my opinion very sad, bad and undisciplined. Why eat, when full? I do it myself all the time even tough I have a constant whisper in my head telling me not to and definitely screaming control yourself! Maybe it is about food appreciation. Maybe I do not appreciate myself enough to give me what I deserve. There are too many obstacles in life and sometimes I feel it is a curse being fortunate.

Eating too much is just as bad as throwing the food away. Usually when I throw food away I think to myself should I really do this when there is people starving all around the world so I just simply eat what is left on the plate or still in the pot but when I think about it afterwards did I really make the world or myself a favour, NO, instead I blame the world for my actions, hitting myself in the face and finding myself complaining I am to fat. Double standard is it not?

Why can’t I just be more disciplined and simply cook a smaller meal/portion and spare myself from myself and a bad conscious failing badly to save the world.

One wise person (Ulla) once told me and are still reminding me that there is no point in blaming your actions on the rest of the world or making up excuses for thing that is simply just your own fault, so why blame the kids in Africa for being too heavy when you cannot control yourself from eating the last food scraps on your plate when you’re actually full several bites ago.

Living in a world where food is not distributed equally to every single person I think everyone should start thinking twice about their eating habits and food behaviour in general, including me. A tiny bit off discipline would make the world a better place for you and for me and the entire human race.

Over and out

30 oktober 2011

A Bathroom Dilemma

No Germs vs Go Germs

Most bathrooms open up inwards right, so lets us picture a scenario when one has to visit the bathroom. You open up the door, you close the door behind you, you do your thing and then you are about to leave the bathroom, what do you do? You need to wash your hands of course everybody know that. Let’s break it down step by step. You turn the tap on, you wash your hands with soap and really make sure you have done it thoroughly and then what, you need to turn the tap off, the same tap you have just turned on with your contaminated hands, is it really a point in washing your hands when you will regain the same germs when you’re done and even tough you solve the tap problem you would still need to face the door out of the bathroom. You need to touch the doorknob/handle to get out, the same doorknob that you and every other person have touched when leaving. The only solution to this would be to wait for someone else to do their business to quickly get out.
Do you see the problem? A totally waste of time if you ask me, some germs makes you stronger. Only when there is an epidemic I will start using antibacterial, germ killing and sterilizing soaps every ten minutes like some crazy fanatic, but not before then, before then I will gladly play ignorant and naive and simply hope I am lucky enough not to regain too many germs jumping back on to my hand when turning off the tap. But I guess mum taught me everything when I was little, letting me eat shiiit loads of snow as well as sand, although yellow snow was off limit.(“,)Love you mammy!

My whole point is that people shouldn’t be so fanatic about sanitizing everything at all times, we will soon end up with some super germ that will be immune to it all any way and our immune capacity will decrease so the long term outcome will not be as great as the intentions to start protecting our selves once were. It is sort of funny trying to survive something that has been alive millions of years before us and survived everything so far, is this really a fight we can win?

Come back to me when you know the solution to the doorknob problem!

The Spider

Eight Legged Freak!

Ok I have never ever seen a bigger spider in my entire life. I was almost asleep when Eric shouts out that I have to come down and watch the bloody thing, but as the coward I am I had a quick look from the staircase and slowly started to panic. The speed and the possibility of the huntsman to jump increased the fear factor a lot and at one stage Eric screams “it has eyes, it stared at me, and it has big blue eyes”.

This particular spider was obviously suicidal entering my home, with my spider phobia and Eric as the greatest guardian and saviour of my life, although he slightly hinted that if there were an actual life threatening situation I had to come to my senses and DEAL with it.

I am not pro killing, but sorry this one had to go. The spider disappeared for a while so when Jay came to the rescue both he and Eric refurnished the whole living room to find it and eventually manage to kill it. Eric killed it with a mixture of hairspray, weed killer and finished it all off with my Good Health Magazine all with some help from Jay of course, the jumping ping pong ball that tried to be a man although he was as scared as me. I know Eric don’t like to do these things either but one of us had to do it and I guess he love me too much not to as well as there were no other option available as I refused to leave the bedroom.

After 3 years in Australia I have never experiences such a huge scary hairy spider and YES Björn it was about 3 times bigger than the one in the bathroom. My Spider fear was almost gone, or at least I’ve come so far that I actually can walk pass a tree with a spider or web in it and i can see a tiny one without crying but this F***er brought it all back so unfortunately I will have to start all over again, which will not be a problem only difficult.

Regained mental note, monsters do exists.

19 oktober 2011


Denna vecka har so far varit toppen.
I måndags införskaffades fler filmer till min Hayao Miyazaki samling, det blev nausica, porco rosso samt laputa. jag har börjat se laputa som är en himla söt film, men som alltid blir man ju aldrig besviken på en Harao film han håller alltid måttet. Detta är då anledning en till varför jag är glad. anledning två beror på att jag fick 18/20 på labbprovet vilket faktiskt förvånade mig, men uppenbarligen är jag född till att lyckas i högst osannolika situationer, så happy hand är högt i luften. tredje anledningen till min lycka är min stolthet Judith, tack vännen för att du värmer upp tillvaron här nere. Judith har nämligen förmågan att dra ut allt idas negativa som har grott för stunden och dra fram hennes positiva jag, lite som ljuset i den mörka tunnel som säger stopp och titta upp, tänk tillbaka och gör om du klarar det där, sen är vi också så fantastiskt lika och att se/höra varandra är ett enormt lyckorus. LOVE YOU HJÄRTAT! fjärde anledningen tackar jag också en nyvaken bella för du värmde också upp min stressiga vardag, ting wings är nedladdar och omtyckt, saknar dig såååå mycket, femte anledningen kan delvis bero på mitt senaste svenska sockerintag som i tisdag kom glatt på posten, ostbågar gör väl vem som helst glad och en moffig lösgodispåse med massa salta och sura snaskiga saker kunde ju inte hålla mitt annars ganska hälsosamma liv i styr. jag fall pladask och en djungelvrål efter den andra slank ner med lite zoo, och annat gott.  sen fick jag en söt ljus stake och bilder på mina fina småbröder, tack familjen för att ni förgyllde min tisdag och alla andra dagar ni finns där. Det finns så mycket som gör mig glad nu så jag kan inte sluta le. nu ska jag nana, längtar till jag kommer hem så jag får krama er alla.

puss o godnatt

13 oktober 2011


One picture almost tells you the whole story.
Scientists, where?

We never said we were scientists, but you’ve got to love the wigs. This is Erin as the naughty professor , me the hippie scientist, Kundi the reporter, Dr Carla and Nikki the nerd, filming our little science video about the citric acid cycle for our group assessment in Metabolism. It is going to be GRAND, fingers crossed for the $500 voucher.

Although the scientific information might not be hundred percent accurate at least we had fun and most importantly it’s done.


09 oktober 2011

Things Simply Changes Things

Hittade den här på facebook och tyckte att den var lite kul, dock så har ju jag jobb, pengar och hopp, men för mig var det mest vad den symboliserade, förändringen sker med tiden oavsett om du vill eller inte. Det skrämmer mig dock lite att tänka på hur världen och livet ser ut om ytterligare 10 år. Därför ska jag nu see på första avsnittet av Terra Nova, en framtidsserie jag har höga förväntningar på. Nu säger jag godnatt!

Sweet Dreams

06 oktober 2011

Något att tänka på

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance and the wise man grows it under his feet"
- Aart van der Leew -


"It is better to light the candle than curse the darkness"
- Eleanor Roosevelt -


"Nothing changes until you do"

- Lazaris -

Jag vet att jag kanske inte lever efter dessa visomsord, men det är aldrig försent att börja och inspiration behöver alla inclusive mig och sånt här gör mig positivare innuti.